Week 14: Eco-Feminism

For me personally when I think of eco-feminism I think of the pollution and lack of accessibilities to feminine hygiene products to women in under-developed countries. There needs to be a better solution to the amount of tampons and period pads that end up in our environment daily. Though progress is being made with the inventions of period cups and reusable underwear it's hard for women in countries to get even basic products. Not only is this an environmental concern, but health concern as well. Most tampons have toxic ingredients that can lead to TSS/Toxic Shock Syndrome which is life threatening. There needs to be more concern and care into the ingredients of what women are putting into their bodies. Not only that it's safe for us, but also safe for the planet, and won't be harmful if it ends up as litter or in a landfill. Like compostable pads and tampons. As women we already have to face the pink tax when it comes to products that are essentially a basic human right. We shouldn't have to worry about whether or not it's safe for us, or the planet. The pink tax should be abolished for starters, and there are many wonderful companies creating safe tampons and pads for our bodies, and giving back to women in need. Women all over the world should have access to free hygiene products that have to do with our bodies natural cycles. Sadly with a war being waged on women and our bodies right now, it may soon be impossible to access basic products such as tampons and pads.  
